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Working 4 Whitchurch

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Working 4 Whitchurch

A new group is now active in the Town. Working 4 Whitchurch(W4W) is aimed at doing what its name implies, working to improve Whitchurch for all.

This is a large task and so initially efforts are being focused on the Town Centre. The group has grown from the team which, under Stewart Parrington, successfully organised the Christmas in Whitchurch activities in since 2005. Stewart, with the help of Tony Corbin from Hampshire County Council, was also instrumental in organising an EU funded survey of shopping in Whitchurch and the detailed review of how 10 of the Town centre's shops operate. This has allowed the shops to learn lessons and improve the service they offer.

The group, which is actively supported by this website,
  is actively involved in

producing Christmas 2009
a series of initiatives to "tidy up" the Town Centre
the Town Centre Improvement Projects - now running the projects
promoting Whitchurch as the "Total Wedding Experience"
running the Whitchurch Business Centre - the South East's first Smarter Working Centre

  has organised

Whitchurch Food Festival
a business Skills & Knowledge Exchange Seminar
start up business session with Rural Gateway
the decoration of the town to welcome the Tour of Britain
Christmas in Whitchurch 2006 - 9
Hampshire Potato Day 2008 - 10
a Pubs' Festival, featuring Hampshire real ale, Whitchurch sausages and Whitchurch potatoes

  is actively supporting activities such as
    the Whitchurch Festival

It was actively involved in producing the bid for the funding for Town Centre improvements and has taken a leading part in the implementation of works using the grants.

The group's aims are:

  • to promote the interests of retailers and businesses in Whitchurch town centre and of members of the Group both collectively and individually.
  • to ensure that the needs of town centre users are addressed in the co- ordination with and implementation by service providers.
  • to raise money through sponsorship, membership or other lawful means and seek matching support from the local authority and other funding bodies, provided that the net proceeds are used to promote the interests of the town centre retailers and businesses.
  • to liaise and co-operate with the local authority and other public agencies to improve and develop services/facilities which will benefit both town centre businesses and users and enhance the economic, social and environmental well being of the town centre.
  • to develop and implement promotional and marketing strategies either on its own or in co-operation with other organisations, which generate a positive image of the town to a local, national and international audience as appropriate.
  • to provide services and facilities of benefit to its members and stimulate links between individual members or organisations which are or are likely to be of mutual help in encouraging businesses.
  • to publicise the objectives and impact of town centre initiatives in order to persuade and encourage all others with a stake in the town centre to participate in such initiatives and become active members of the Group.

For those with an interest in these things the group has grown from several of the Town Action Plan Groups set up as a result of the Heathcheck in 2005. The Tourism Initiative, Town Centre Project and Town Business Development projects have been combined in the group and it is hoped that it will also serve the function of a retailers' association.

To do all this help is required. To date this has been forthcoming from the retailers and some community groups in running the events but to move on help is required in organising the group which Stewart and Phil Cooper have been doing since late 2005.

Are you, your business or your group willing to spend some time building on a successful formula which has delivered visible improvements to the town? If so please use the contact page to send your details.

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