whitchurch association minutes


Whitchurch Association Committee Meeting

Held On:

Thursday  3 November 2005


Susan Flawith, Chairman

Harriet Titcomb, Vice Chairman


Jean Watts, Secretary

John Markham


Jane Powell

Rupert Strong


Marion Woods

Brian Jackman


Barry Jackman

Lorraine Haysom


June Balcombe, BDBC

Sandy Pearcey, BDBC


James Seamons



Cllr G Nethercott

Cari Strong


1.                 Welcome/apologies


SF welcomed those present.  Apologies are listed above.

John Markham introduced himself as a local resident who had lived in Whitchurch for five years.  He had been employed in the pharmaceutical industry and was interested in becoming Treasurer of the Association as he felt he wanted to contribute to this exciting project.  He had been involved in a similar role with a sports and social club in Newbury.

JM left the room.

MW asked whether anyone could become treasurer of the WA.

JB clarified that the role of the treasurer was to be responsible for reporting the financial position of the Association at each meeting but that all trustees were equally liable for ensuring that the affairs of the Association were conducted properly and that they were making informed decisions.  It was good practice to have all trustees CRB checked.  Under charity law, all trustees would also have to sign a declaration saying they were fit to be trustees. She recommended that four committee members were authorised to sign cheques and that each cheque had to be signed by at least two signatories.  The accounts should be open and transparent and information should be available to all trustees.  No money should be spent without authorisation by the trustees.

Harriet Titcomb proposed that John Markham be co-opted as treasurer of the WA.  This was seconded by JW and agreed unanimously.


2.                 Minutes of last meeting

These were proposed as a true record by JS, seconded by SF and agreed unanimously.

3.                 Matters arising


3.1             Co-option

Unfortunately, Gill Nethercott�s name had been omitted at the public meeting for election as a trustee.

Harriet Titcomb proposed that she be co-opted onto the committee.  This was seconded by Jean Watts and agreed unanimously.

3.2             Minute file

JW agreed to take the minutes of future meetings.  SP to hand file over to her.


JB noted that minutes did not become  public documents until they had been agreed as a true record by the committee.

4.                 Public Meeting


4.1             Constitution

SF said that the public meeting had been very well attended.  A couple of amendments had been made to the constitution. This would be recirculated to committee members and sent to the Charity Commission with a copy of the minutes when the committee applied for charity status.

4.2             Minutes

SP to send to JW for circulation.


4.3             Declaration of charity trustees

All committee members should sign a declaration of a charity trustee. This would be circulated by JW and signed copies should be returned to her.


4.4             Town Council representative

It was agreed that JW would write to the Town Council to ask for a representative to come onto the WA as it was important to have links with them.


5.                 Charity Registration

JB said that the group would need to have a Child Protection and Vulnerable People policy in place before they could apply for registration.  She noted that she could circulate a model policy which the committee could amend as necessary.


The committee would also need to have CRB checks carried out.  SP to circulate forms.  Photocopies of the certificate, once received, should be given to JW to be kept on file.


SP to send a trustees pack to JM.


6.                 Way forward � future priority actions


6.1             Bank account

JM to source suitable account. JB agreed to provide �500 start-up funds.


6.2             Grants

HT said that the TAPG would be looking for grants.  JB noted that all applications should come through the WA as they are the trustees of the organisation and are ultimately responsible for all actions, whether they are concerned with particular projects or with the community centre. 

She suggested that JM set up cost centres so that any grants could be ring-fenced for particular projects.


6.3             Procedures and policies

JB noted that these would need to be drafted, understood and adopted by the committee. She suggested that sub-groups be set up in future to take them away and look at them and report back to the whole group with suggestions for adoption.


7.                 Sub-groups & TAPG update


JB reiterated that it is the trustees of the WA who are responsible for making decisions and who are accountable for the affairs of the Association. 

It was important to get terms of reference in place for any sub-groups or working parties and she circulated draft copies. These explained what authority the sub-group would have in making decisions and gave clear lines of reporting.  In effect, the working parties would report to the TAPG, which would be a sub-group of the WA.  The WA would have to agree all actions of the TAPG and the Chairman of the TAPG would have to report back on progress of projects at the monthly WA meetings.

If urgent decisions had to be made which did not fall in line with a WA meeting, the draft terms of reference would allow decisions to be made by the honorary officers.

JB noted that, so far, the WA had not given any approvals to the actions of sub-groups and that it was important that terms of reference were now tactfully put in place recognising the work that has already been done.

HT, as Chairman of the TAPG, outlined the projects currently underway which included gateway signs, a heritage trail guide, HGV survey, website and newsletter,

JB asked HT to circulate a document detailing what stage all of the projects are at, what decisions have been made by the TAPG, and what approvals are required by the WA. Once the terms of reference had been agreed, HT would have to send an update report to JW to send out with agendas for future meetings.

It was agreed that terms of reference would be agreed at the next meeting.

8.                 Visits to other community centres


JB suggested that the committee visit Bishops Green Village Hall, a new purpose-built facility that is similar in size to the one being built in Whitchurch.

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held at Bishops Green after a tour of the building.  SP to confirm with JW.


JB said she would arrange visits to Popley Fields and Oakridge Hall for All to meet the trustees on 15 December.


9.                 Whitchurch Association on the Web

JB noted that it was important that the WA agreed the content of the website as they were responsible.  It was suggested that someone on the Association be appointed as publicity/press spokesman. This would be discussed at the next meeting.

10.                AOB


10.1         Christmas in Whitchurch

HT said that about 20 organisations in the town had agreed to put on special events on 3 and 17 December which would include the switching on of the Christmas lights, and competitions.

MW said that it was important that a disclaimer was put onto any printed material being sent out under the WA banner. RS to look into this.

JB said that the group would need to have public liability insurance.  She would pay the premium for the first year. JS to investigate.

11.                Date of Next Meeting

This would be held on 1 December 2005 at 7.30pm at Bishops Green Village Hall.  


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