Terms of reference for Committee Members of the Whitchurch Community Group

If you are interested in any of the positions, please print off this form, fill it in and return it by 5pm on Thursday 13 October 2005 to Cathy Burt, Clerk to Town Council, Town Hall

It is expected that meetings will be held monthly, committee members are expected to attend as often as possible and read the minutes to keep abreast of what is happening when they are unable to attend.

The draft constitution of the group can be seen here (it will take ~ 45 secs to download via a modem).

Chairman Organise, plan and prepare for meetings.
Work with Vice Chair/Secretary to draw up an agenda
Ensure all information for meetings is provided and available.
Welcome new members and brief them on the purpose of the meeting/organisation.
Introduce each agenda item explaining the back ground as necessary to ensure everybody is clear of the purpose.
Encourage all to take an active part so that nobody manipulates discussions.
Elect others to lead on specific agenda items of particular interest to them.
Ensure meeting is recorded accurately.To open meetings and close them on time.
Summarise decisions and clarify areas to action, deadline dates and people nominated to carry out task.
Arrange next meetings if appropriate and end meeting clearly.
Act as spokesperson on behalf of the organisation as required.
Prepare annual report for AGM.
Keep the meeting to order.
To lead members through the voting process on certain agenda items, reserving the right to a casting vote
Oversee and advising on financial matters including banking, paying bills, issuing receipts and paying staff.
 Recording all financial transactions including petty cash
 Make sure that an adequate financial system is in place.
 Monitor all income and expenditure.
 Draw up budgets as appropriate.
 Prepare accounts for AGM and present end of year financial report.
 Advise committee on all financial matters and present regular reports to members at committee meetings.
 Liase with banks/building societies, other financial bodies/agencies as necessary.
 Serve as signatory for the organisation bank accounts.
 Ensure funds are spent for purpose for which they were given and in keeping with decisions made by the committee.
 Collect subscriptions.
Set agenda with Chair/Vice Chair and distribute.
To arrange the venue of the meeting.
Ensure all members know how to add points to the agenda.
Take minutes (notes) at meetings and distribute copies to members.organisation/group.

Secretaries can get overloaded in a busy group/organisation. Some groups divide the role further such as appointing a Minute Secretary whose specific task it is to take minutes at a meeting.

Minute Checklist
Take detail/notes during the meeting and write up as soon as possible.
Record all decisions accurately including votes for or against  or absenteeism.
Minutes should be brief, to the point of ensuring information is accurate.
Ensure items for action are clearly marked and highlighted, pointing out who is responsible for the task.
Keep all minutes for reference purposes.
Circulate minutes as soon as possible after the meeting
Committee Member
All committee members share responsibility with the other members to see that the organisation is being properly managed and that funds are spent correctly.
Ensure that all decisions are taken by the committee:
Reflect the values, purposes and policies of the organisation.
Are consistent with prudent management of the organisations income and expenditure.
Committee members are expected to:
Comply with all legal requirements.
Attend and support all committee meetings.
Go to meetings fully prepared by reading agendas minutes and reports.
To make major decisions about the organisation objectives and procedures.
Be prepared to take part in working parties or sub groups as may be required.
Take legal responsibility for the organisation and its actions.
Undertake �Actions� as agreed by the committee.
Approve and monitor budgets and oversee all financial and organisational matters.
Ensure adequate resources are available to carry out activity (including people and money)
Maintain a long-term overview of the organisation and all its work.


If you are interested in any of the positions, please print off this form, fill it in and return it by 5pm on Thursday 13 October 2005 to Cathy Burt, Clerk to Town Council, Town Hall


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