Presentation by Tony Corbin, Town Development Officer and Stewart Parrington, Whitchurch Association Team Leader


Slide 1 - Welcome
Whitchurch Town Centre Revitalisation Project
Kick off Meeting
Stewart Parrington/Tony Corbin

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Slide 2 - Suggested Agenda
Suggested Agenda
Initial ideas
Christmas 2005?
Next Steps

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Slide 3 - Context
  Healthcheck respondents:
Town centre described as �drab� (42.2%)
 Detracts from Town�s �image�
 61.4% shopped in Whitchurch for �last minute items�
 81.3% shopped out of Whitchurch (more choice)
More Competition
Empty units/closures
The Internet
Changing work/social patterns
Declining event attendance levels
Recent �informal� dialogue

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Slide 4 -Town Centre Revitalisation
Potentially long term (with your pro-active support here to stay not gone tomorrow!)
Local Authority and LSP supported (in kind and potentially via grant aid����� e.g. CTI and POPPi)
Focused upon business and community needs (e.g. responses via the Healthcheck)
Locally driven (Community Groups/Local Business)
Supported and facilitated by WA Town Action Plan Team

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Slide 5 -Town Centre Revitalisation
Project Aims:
Improve visual appearance
Bring �pride and vitality� to the town
Increase town centre �footfall�
Business in the Community (more business/community group collaboration)
Encourage loyalty (shopping locally for local produce from local shops is also kind to the environment!)

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Slide 6 -Town Centre Revitalisation Project
Initial Ideas � What do you think?
�Spend a Day in Whitchurch� Tourism initiative (incl new local Heritage Centre)
Built environment improvements (partly grant aid enabled)
Publicity (education) � support your local shops..use or lose! (inc via Whitchurch Web)
Traders Association (collaboration on events, issues, staffing, window displays, skills etc)
Events � inc. Food & Drink festival, Street Market, Community Groups, Christmas initiatives

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Slide 7 -Town Centre Revitalisation Project
Focus on Christmas Initiatives (Commencing 2005)
The �Whitchurch Christmas experience�
Wide promotion under �one banner� of existing community and Town Centre events?
Themed day or late night shopping event?
Help with Window Displays (prize for winner)?
Children�s �shop window competition�?
What else?? Name??
A modest beginning ....
bigger and better in 2006

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Slide 8 - Next Steps
1.Can we achieve a festive spirit and make Christmas 2005 in Whitchurch a very special experience for young and old?
2.Are you enthused by the overall initiative?
3.What next � working group? (who/when/how)
Thank You

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