Planning Applications - old (1 September 2005- 31 December 2005) planning applications for Whitchurch Ward

For current planning applications see here

For full list of planning applications and the results of the applications, visit Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council's database left clicking on the application number will take you to full details of the application

Results are colour coded as below:
No decision yet Approved Rejected Withdrawn
Application Number: BDB/62485
Registration Date: 19 / 12 / 2005
Location: 12 Kings Walk, Whitchurch, RG28 7DJ
Proposal: Crown reduction of Oak by 25%
Case Officer: David Hill
Application Number: BDB/62456
Registration Date: 15 / 12 / 2005
Location: 3 Hillside, Whitchurch, RG28 7SN
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed conversion of loft into living accommodation involving the installation of front and rear roof lights
Case Officer: Jonathan Dawes
Application Number: BDB/62356
Registration Date: 07 / 12 / 2005
Location: 30 Micheldever Road, Whitchurch, RG28 7JH
Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 14 no. new dwellings with associated parking and creation of new access
Case Officer: Anne Wilkinson
Application Number: BDB/62388
Registration Date: 05 / 12 / 2005
Location: Bradley Wood Farmhouse, Dunley, Dunley, Whitchurch, RG28 7PU
Proposal: Erection of part two storey and part single storey rear extension. Erection of a replacement front porch. Removal of carport from adjacent barn
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/62389
Registration Date: 05 / 12 / 2005
Location: Bradley Wood Farmhouse, Dunley, Dunley, Whitchurch, RG28 7PU
Proposal: Erection of part two storey and part single storey rear extension. Erection of a replacement front porch. Removal of carport from adjacent barn
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/62399
Registration Date: 05 / 12 / 2005
Location: Aspley Farm Landfill Site, Picket Piece, Andover
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission BDB/59844 to extend the time period Hampshire County Council contact: Peter Chadwick MWP/WJA/BA031 Please note this application is decided by Hampshire County Council
Case Officer: Michelle Lane
Application Number: BDB/62315
Registration Date: 02 / 12 / 2005
Location: 17 Church Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7AD
Proposal: Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side extension and two storey rear extension
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/62316
Registration Date: 02 / 12 / 2005
Location: 17 Church Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7AD
Proposal: Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side extension and two storey rear extension
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/62368
Registration Date: 01 / 12 / 2005
Location: Police Station, Dances Lane, Whitchurch, RG28 7EG
Proposal: Lime tree - crown reduce 23 Lime trees by up to 25%
Case Officer: David Hill
Application Number: BDB/62137
Registration Date: 24 / 11 / 2005
Location: Church Barn, Manor Farm Lane Tufton (local Name), Tufton, RG28 7RJ
Proposal: Relief of condition 8 of Planning Permission BDB/47038 to allow the insertion of 4 rooflights in the south east elevation
Case Officer: Jonathan Dawes
Application Number: BDB/61987
Registration Date: 21 / 11 / 2005
Location: Arnolds Farm, London Road, Wells-in-the-field, Whitchurch
Proposal: Siting of mobile home
Case Officer: Nicola Roberts
Application Number: BDB/62179
Registration Date: 21 / 11 / 2005
Location: 6 Micheldever Road, Whitchurch, RG287JG
Proposal: Erection of 4 no. dwellings (amendment to planning permission BDB 56090 to alter the roof heights to plots 1-4 and the addition of a third bedroom in the roof space of plots 1 & 2 with the insertion of roof lights to the rear elevation (retrospective)
Case Officer: Anne Wilkinson
Application Number: BDB/62299
Registration Date: 21 / 11 / 2005
Location: 65 Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7NF
Proposal: Erection of a two storey rear extension and rear conservatory (amendment to planning permission BDB 61552 insertion of an obscure glazed window to the first floor north elevation)
Case Officer: Michelle Lane
Application Number: BDB/62088
Registration Date: 10 / 11 / 2005
Location: 9 Newbury Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7DW
Proposal: Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side extension and single storey rear extension
Case Officer: Emma Davies
Application Number: BDB/62102
Registration Date: 03 / 11 / 2005
Location: Land at 25 Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7NF
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of a four bedroom detached house and detached garage including siting
Case Officer: Matthew Melville
Application Number: BDB/61084
Registration Date: 02 / 11 / 2005
Location: West Cottage, 34 London Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7LQ
Proposal: Erection of a shed
Case Officer: Michelle Lane
Application Number: BDB/62131
Registration Date: 24 / 10 / 2005
Location: 26 Kingsley Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7HA
Proposal: Pollarding of one Lime tree to 5-8m
Case Officer: David Hill
Application Number: BDB/62119
Registration Date: 21 / 10 / 2005
Location: New Barn Farm, Hurstbourne Priors, Hurstbourne Priors, Whitchurch, RG28 7RU
Proposal: Conversion of farmhouse from 2 no. residential units to 3 no. residential units and erection of a detached garage.
Case Officer: Emma Davies
Application Number: BDB/62037
Registration Date: 20 / 10 / 2005
Location: 3 Groves Orchard, Bloswood Lane, Whitchurch, RG28 7BT
Proposal: Erection of a front porch
Case Officer: Jonathan Dawes
Application Number: BDB/62077
Registration Date: 17 / 10 / 2005
Location: 16 Caesars Way, Whitchurch, RG28 7ST
Proposal: Relief of condition 13 of planning permission BDB/42592 to allow conversion of garage to living accommodation
Case Officer: Robert Franks
Application Number: BDB/62083
Registration Date: 17 / 10 / 2005
Location: Chapmansford Farm, Harroway, Hurstbourne Priors, RG28 7RR
Proposal: Conversion of existing farm buildings into 3 no. dwellings and offices, involving construction of dormers to west elevation of units 2 and 3. Demolition of modern farm buildings and outbuildings. Erection of two detached garage buildings. Removal of soil. (Amendments to planning approval BDB 61164)
Case Officer: Jonathan Dawes
Application Number: BDB/61934
Registration Date: 14 / 10 / 2005
Location: 65 London Road, Whitchurch, RG28 7LX
Proposal: Erection of a double garage to replace existing
Case Officer: Michelle Lane
Application Number: BDB/61997
Registration Date: 13 / 10 / 2005
Location: 7 Newbury Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7DW
Proposal: Display of a non-illuminated vinyl fascia sign
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/61998
Registration Date: 13 / 10 / 2005
Location: 7 Newbury Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7DW
Proposal: Display of a non-illuminated vinyl fascia sign
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/62030
Registration Date: 13 / 10 / 2005
Location: 26 Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7NF
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extensions and extension to front of garage with new roof over, and a new access.
Case Officer: Robert Franks
Application Number: BDB/61750
Registration Date: 12 / 10 / 2005
Location: Lloyds Chemist, 7 Newbury Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7DW
Proposal: Internal refit and refurbishment of ground floor shop and first floor
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/62063
Registration Date: 12 / 10 / 2005
Location: Lane End, Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7NF
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side extension and construction of 3 no. dormer windows with internal alterations
Case Officer: Robert Franks
Application Number: BDB/62057
Registration Date: 11 / 10 / 2005
Location: 47 Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7NF
Proposal: T30 - Beech - crown lift and thin by 15%-20%
Case Officer: David Hill
Application Number: BDB/62013
Registration Date: 04 / 10 / 2005
Location: 20 Longs Court, Whitchurch, RG28 7BU
Proposal: Erection of a rear conservatory
Case Officer: Jonathan Dawes
Application Number: BDB/61906
Registration Date: 30 / 09 / 2005
Location: 1 Cowdown Lodge, Hurstbourne Priors, RG28 7RX
Proposal: Erection of two storey and single storey extension to the north elevation and internal refurbishment to the existing dwelling, conversion of existing covered parking area to living accommodation, relocation of chimney stack and erection of a front porch. Amendments to planning approval BDB 60212 for the erection of a brick boundary wall and gates, a balcony and doors to rear elevation and changes from boarding to render on the north west elevation
Case Officer: Anne Wilkinson
Application Number: BDB/61970
Registration Date: 28 / 09 / 2005
Location: 7 Drury Close, Hurstbourne Priors, RG28 7SF
Proposal: Erection of a rear conservatory
Case Officer: Anne Wilkinson
Application Number: BDB/61862
Registration Date: 26 / 09 / 2005
Location: Twiggys Farm, Priory Lane, Freefolk, Whitchurch
Proposal: Change of use of the land from agriculture to the keeping of horses. Erection of a store, tack room and 6 no. open shelters
Case Officer: Matthew Melville
Application Number: BDB/61915
Registration Date: 19 / 09 / 2005
Location: 33 London Street, Whitchurch, RG28 7LJ
Proposal: Replacement wooden flooring to part ground floor
Case Officer: Rachel Bonner
Application Number: BDB/61888
Registration Date: 15 / 09 / 2005
Location: Land to the rear of 12, Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28
Proposal: (T3) - Sycamore remove lower hanging branches. (T2) - Silver Birch fell. (T5) - Lime raise crown level 6m. (T7) - Sycamore remove 2 south laterals.
Case Officer: David Hill
Application Number: BDB/61885
Registration Date: 14 / 09 / 2005
Location: 12 Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, RG28 7NF
Proposal: Raise crown to 7-8m on the south side and 5m on the north side of Copper Beech T107,clean crown one Corsican Pine T108 and raise crown to 5m on Copper Beech T109
Case Officer: David Hill
Application Number: BDB/61872
Registration Date: 13 / 09 / 2005
Location: 24 Alliston Way, Whitchurch, RG28 7LF
Proposal: Erection of a rear conservatory
Case Officer: Matthew Melville
Application Number: BDB/61860
Registration Date: 12 / 09 / 2005
Location: 19 Fairfields, Whitchurch, RG28 7ES
Proposal: Erection of a rear conservatory
Case Officer: Jonathan Dawes
Application Number: BDB/61707
Registration Date: 08 / 09 / 2005
Location: East & west wings of stable block, Hurstbourne Park, Whitchurch, RG28
Proposal: Rebuilding of west wing to form an entertainment room. Erection of garage block, gates and garden walls following demolition of barn
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/61708
Registration Date: 08 / 09 / 2005
Location: East & west wings of stable block, Hurstbourne Park, Whitchurch, RG28
Proposal: Internal and external refurbishment of the east wing. Rebuilding of west wing to form an entertainment room. Erection of garage block, gates and garden walls following demolition of barn
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/61709
Registration Date: 08 / 09 / 2005
Location: East & west wings of stable block, Hurstbourne Park, Whitchurch, RG28
Proposal: Installation of tri-partite sash windows on ground floors of west wing facing east and east wing facing west
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/61710
Registration Date: 08 / 09 / 2005
Location: East & west wings of stable block, Hurstbourne Park, Whitchurch, RG28
Proposal: Installation of tri-partite sash windows on ground floors of west wing facing east and east wing facing west
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/61718
Registration Date: 06 / 09 / 2005
Location: Land at Manor Farm, Bloswood Lane, Whitchurch, RG28 7BN
Proposal: Conversion of redundant agricultural building into 3 no. three bedroom and 1 no. two bedroom dwellings with private gardens, rear car parking and amendments to vehicular access
Case Officer: Jane Colley
Application Number: BDB/61760
Registration Date: 02 / 09 / 2005
Location: Bradley Wood Farmhouse, Dunley, Dunley, Whitchurch, RG28 7PU
Proposal: Erection of part two storey and part single storey rear extension. Erection of a single storey side extension and a replacement front porch. Removal of carport from adjacent barn
Case Officer: Andrew Barber
Application Number: BDB/61761
Registration Date: 02 / 09 / 2005
Location: Bradley Wood Farmhouse, Dunley, Dunley, Whitchurch, RG28 7PU
Proposal: Erection of part two storey and part single storey rear extension. Erection of a single storey side extension and a replacement front porch. Removal of carport from adjacent barn
Case Officer: Andrew Barber

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