Whitchurch Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Graham Burgess on November 07, 2007, 04:33:47 pm

Title: Authors of the world unite
Post by: Graham Burgess on November 07, 2007, 04:33:47 pm
I have been trying for years to get various books published and one at least has followed the route of most self publishes and that is it fills ones garage or back room. >:( The "accumulated works of Graham Burgess." No-one knows about it and it makes not a penny.
However there is another way that costs nothing and I have just published under Lulu.com on the web.
Look them up and under alphabet you will find my book called "Why is the letter A at the beginning of th alphabet ?"
It was to be "The Book of Letters" but in a discussion two friends in The Bell they said it should be called "Why is the letter A is at the beginning of the alphabet ?"
In the front of the books I gave to them I wrote "The reason your name is at the front of this book "Why is the letter A at the beginning� of the alphabet ?" is because you gave me the name "Why is the letter A at the beginning of the alphabet ". ;D

Alfred Burgess (author).

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