FROM: Tony Corbin � Town Project Officer HCC (for and on behalf of WA/TAPT)


1st September 2006��


Dear Councillors and WA Trustees


Please find below the main activities and achievements over the Summer Months related to the Town Action Plan projects.


1.      Market Towns Award � I think you will all know that Stewart Parrington, John Buckley and Phil Cooper duly received the SERTP Social and Community category Market Towns award in Emsworth on 13th July. There has been good publicity surrounding the event and the award (all good for the Town) and I understand the plan is for the plaque to be displayed in various locations across the town in the coming months

2.      Traffic Management � The only item to report is a meeting on 16th August with Albright (Kevin Holland Operations Director). Albrights had been in contact with BDBC directly who contacted me. Albrights relayed to me their frustration re parking at the lack of support and recognition of their contribution (in employment terms) to the Town and continued approaches from Eastern European countries who are trying to encourage Albrights to relocate. The meeting though was quite positive in that a �shared cost� early morning �shuttle bus to help relieve parking problems plus a proposal for a one hour morning and evening parking restriction to deter commuter parking were discussed. My understanding is that after consultation with other Ardglen Businesses, Albrights may write to WTC to request support related to one or both of the above ideas. On the Gateway sign front, the latest modifications to comply with WTC requests have now been submitted to WA and WTC. Approval of these designs is requested by Jamie Daly the officer responsible at BDBC.

3.      Town Centre Revitalisation � There is continued progress with a draft version of the Welcome Pack now produced, agreement from the White Hart to use their car park for a Christmas Fair. The Retail survey has been completed with the high level results and follow-up scheduled for October. It is expected that CIW 2006 proposals will be put to Ctty Groups c/o Kelvin Inglis�s meeting on 20th September and to Retailers, WA Trustees and WTC shortly thereafter.

4.      Town Centre Improvement Project (TCIP) � This is the component of the Town Centre Revitalisation Project that refers to the planned �physical improvements� to the Town Centre. It is anticipated that up to around �120,000 of local authority provisioned funding (from HCC CTI and Highways and BDBC POPPI) plus potentially a further matched funding sum in the order of �100,000 from SEEDA will be available for suitable Healthcheck derived and individual fund �qualifying� schemes during FY 2007/08. The proposed indicative list of �work-packages� for the initial (Stage One) SEEDA bid will be put to the SEEDA panel on 25th September for their comment/endorsement. The bid to SEEDA includes a proposal for a part-time Town Centre Improvement Officer to oversee and locally coordinate the project and liaise with the delivery agencies (like HCC and BDBC. Full community consultation will be a future stage of scheme development potentially Spring 2007 after detailed costing and the final list of work-packages has been agreed by the Steering Group (which has both WTC <Andrew Alferovs> and WA <Susan Flawith> representation in addition to BDBC and County Members) The SEEDA RTP bid list of expected work-packages (elements) is included with this report.

5.      Tourism � This project has been in abeyance for both resource and funding reasons for some time, but clearly Tourism (attracting visitors to the Town who spend their money locally) is an integral part of Town Centre Revitalisation. To this end, a meeting involving key stakeholders is planned for 6th September with Tourism South East. The aim is to achieve professional input in terms of what would constitute a realistic tourism initiative for a Town like Whitchurch.

6.      Heritage Display -A meeting is being called for 18th October at which Library Service officers will indicate the areas that will be available for local Heritage display.


As always, individual Members or Trustees who would like more information or would like to attend a particular meeting are welcome to do so. Just drop me a line or give me a call.


Kind Regards


p.s. There will be an update in the next report on the new �Time Capsule� project (Harriet Titcomb)




Project Charter

Sub Group Members

Leader in bold

(= Co opted)


Aim and Current Status

1. Business Development, Town Centre

Revitalisation and Tourism




         Encourage More Visitors to the Town

         Increase spend in the Town

         Raise Town Profile

Stewart Parrington

Phil Cooper

Harriet Titcomb

(Derek Verran)

(Stephen Bryer)

John Buckley

Tony Corbin

Keith Watts



(Brockenhurst � Comm�l Agency)

(Testbourne Bus Forum members)

(Local Retailers)

Aim - Target by end 2006 - Town Guide, Heritage Leaflet and Circular Walks reprint/update all cross-referencing further information on the Whitchurch Web. 30th Nov. meeting determined priorities, which include identifying sponsor/funding for new Heritage Leaflet (see also �Heritage� project below) and Town Guide.


Status � Meeting with Tourism SE of key stakeholders planned for 6th September

Business & Town Centre:

         Revitalisation of Town centre

         Encourage residents to �shop locally�

         Improve appearance of Town Centre

         More Town Events

         Establish Traders Association

         Skills Development

         Marketing/Business Development

Aim - By Mid 2006 � Develop Bid for HCC Country Towns Initiative and LTP 2(circa �100k) and B&DBC POPPI circa �20k (Pride of Place Partnership Initiative) and �100k of SEEDA RTP matched funds potentially available for qualifying built environment enhancement & related Town Centre Revitalisation projects.


Status � Initiative is moving on rapidly with Steering Group formed for Town Centre Improvement Project; lists being prepared of qualifying work-packages and for SEEDA, a provisional list (attached) of possible work-packages for stage one of the bid process � a presentation to SEEDA HMTP panel on 25th September. Steering Group will consider proposals 28th Sep.

Traffic Management














Traffic Mgt (cont)

Traffic Mgmt Projects:

a)       Reduced HGV through traffic volumes










b)       Distinctive

Town Gateway Entry Signs and associated BDBC funded traffic calming scheme

Tony Corbin

(for Derek Verran)

(Keith Watts)

(Reg Kimpton)

(Keith Pauw HCC)

<Cathy Burt>

John Wall









Greg Harris

Susan Flawith

<Cllr B. Jackman>

Harriet Titcomb

Tony Corbin

(Jamie Daly B&DBC)

Aim - Start Jan 05, Survey April 05; Report Presentation Sep 05; Actions agreed Jan 06


StatusGroup reviewed and submitted proposals (copied WTC) related to BDBC Parking proposals There was no time at the June meeting to discuss HGV follow up.


As referred to in foreword to the report, meeting held with Albrights re continued frustration with parking arrangements for the growing estate

Aim - Start Jan 05; Agree design Apr 05


Status: Modified design submitted 30th Aug by BDBC for final WTC and WA sign-off. Incorporates WTC stated concerns and properly shows Church in the background etc.

New Library Local Heritage

Display and IT Facilities


Local Heritage Centre

         Accessible display and educative centre for local artefacts













IT/Internet Public access:

         Increase number of individual Learning and Information access points

Harriet Titcomb

Deborah Woodland

Dr. Alison Deveson

Tony Corbin

<Cllr. A Wall>

John Mariner (History Soc)

Russell Cleaver (HCC R&H)

Hector Goldsack

Sarah Gray (R&H Library Service)

Phil Cooper



AIM - Start Dec 05 Finish Jan 07 (opening of Ctty Centre). Agree aims; recruit volunteers; agree and cost solution; develop lottery bid



Status Disappointing that momentum has been lost/community interest appears low � maybe because building not yet constructed. Meeting 18th October to review proposed Heritage display areas








AIM � Increase the provision of publicly accessible Internet Terminals


Status Confirmed that six PC�s to be included in new library design one of which enables access to Hampshire Record Office facilities (Family History tracing etc).



Communications Project:

         House Style for WA materials

         Web site inc open forum for feedback

         Internal/external and stakeholder comms model


Phil Cooper

John Buckley

(Steve Hoffmann)

<Cathy Burt>

Tony Corbin


AIM - Start Jun 05; Launch website Oct 05. Launch Magazine Spring 06


Status - Website ( launched Oct as planned and being increasingly used by community and local businesses. Now contains a listing of Ardglen businesses


New Whitchurch Web Community Magazine (quarterly) 1st edition, including contribution from the Mayor, should be being distributed during 1st week September.