FROM: Tony Corbin � Town Project Officer HCC (for and on behalf of WA/TAPT)
31st May 2006�� PROJECT REPORT
Dear Councillors,
You will see that this month�s report, in accordance with WA Trustees wishes, ONLY contains the outstanding projects currently being worked upon. (Details are awaited of the WA Trustees proposed �Time Capsule� project).
The main areas of progress since the last report are summarised below:
1. Market Towns Award Application � The 19th April meeting of the Town Action Plan Team agreed to submit an application to the SERTP (South East Rural Towns Partnership) sponsored awards. After a consultation period, that included review by WA Trustees, it was decided that the project most closely meeting the award criteria was �Christmas in Whitchurch� 2005. Stewart Parrington submitted the application on behalf of the sub group and the SE area award will be announced on13th July during the SERTP meeting in Emsworth. We keep our fingers crossed that Whitchurch is selected as one of the five finalists in the region.
2. Traffic Management � this is a busy arena right now, with the revised parking consultation period and decisions to be made on the final (?) Town Gateway designs submitted to WA and WTC by BDBC on 30th May. The WA Traffic Management sub group is hoping to meet 6th June and will review and comment on the proposals for both schemes.
3. Town Centre Revitalisation � this project, which embraces Tourism and Business Development, is currently looking at the form Christmas in Whitchurch 2006 might take. To that end, a meeting with retailers and interested local Community groups is planned for 28th June (6pm at the White Hart). The meeting will also try to agree the contents for the proposed �Welcome to Whitchurch� pack (an idea that came from Brockenhurst Estate Agency) and hear about the proposed Retail Survey. This scheme is largely ESF (European Social Fund) grant aided and comprises a consumer survey, presentation of results and concludes with a training/mentoring offer based on the research (again subsidised up to 70% of cost) that can be delivered to a group or as 1 to 1 support to local retailers.
4. New Library � Most of the Heritage Group members have now seen and been able to comment upon the internal layout of the new library building. Areas that can be used for display of local Heritage Items are depicted on the drawings and have been agreed in principle with HCC Recreation and Heritage Officers. Lottery Heritage funding may be available and the next steps will be to work up the details for the bid to cover the display panels and a new Heritage Trail leaflet. However, community representation at recent meetings has been disappointing and evidence of the local need is essential to support any funding bid. Previous attempts to bolster local interest have met with limited success and the sub group would welcome any ideas from members. (NB. It has also been confirmed that there will be six public IT (Internet) terminals in the new Library)
5. Communications � The Whitchurch Community website ( continues to grow in popularity. Members are asked to reference the website and in particular to encourage use by local Community Groups of the �What�s On� Events Calendar such that it becomes the definitive listing of forthcoming events in the town. The publication of the launch issue of the new quarterly Whitchurch Web Community Magazine has been slightly delayed (securing content/advertising etc) but it is hoped the newsletter will be published by the end of June.
Kind Regards
(Merged) Initiative |
Project Charter |
Sub Group Members Leader in bold (= Co opted) <Cllr> |
Aim and Current Status |
Business Development, Town Centre Revitalisation
and Tourism |
Tourism: �
Encourage More Visitors to the Town �
Increase spend in the Town �
Stewart Parrington Phil Cooper Harriet Titcomb (Derek Verran) (Stephen Bryer) John Buckley <Irene Clark> Tony Corbin Keith Watts (BLWx) (Brockenhurst � Comm�l Agency) (Testbourne Bus Forum members) (Local Retailers) |
Aim - Target by end 2006 - Town
Guide, Heritage Leaflet and Circular Walks reprint/update all
cross-referencing further information on the Whitchurch Web. 30th
Nov. meeting determined priorities, which include identifying sponsor/funding
for new Heritage Leaflet (see also �Heritage� project below) and Town Guide. Status - On hold
- resource constrained and requires sponsor/ grant monies |
& Town Centre: �
Revitalisation of Town centre �
Encourage residents to �shop locally� �
Improve appearance of Town Centre �
More Town Events �
Establish Traders Association �
Skills Development �
Marketing/Business Development |
Aim - By Mid
2006 � Develop Bid for HCC Country Towns Initiative (circa �40-50k) and
B&DBC POPPI circa �20k (Pride of Place Partnership Initiative) and possible
SEEDA RTP matched funds potentially available for built environment
enhancement & conservation related improvement projects. Status - �Christmas
in Whitchurch � successfully delivered.. 22nd February meeting
with retailers mapped out activities, priorities and actions for the coming
12 months. Meeting 28th June with local retailers to agree format
CIW 2006, contents for �Welcome Pack� and scope of planned retail survey
(Sep). Preliminary list of possible Town Centre Improvement opportunities
circulated WA/WTC for comment by 2nd June. Officers meeting
scheduled 15th June after which, sub group will meet to work up
scheme details with WA (Trustee/Heritage/Town Centre group represented). Also
WTC/Retail and Silk Mill representatives. |
Management Traffic
Mgt (cont) |
Mgmt Projects: a)
Reduced HGV through traffic volumes b)
Distinctive Town Gateway
Entry Signs and associated BDBC funded traffic calming scheme |
Corbin (for
Derek Verran) (Keith
Watts) (Reg
Kimpton) (Keith
Pauw HCC) <Cathy
Burt> John
Wall Greg
Harris Susan
Flawith <Cllr
B. Jackman> Harriet
Titcomb Tony
Corbin (Jamie
Daly B&DBC) |
Aim - Start Jan 05, Survey April 05; Report
Presentation Sep 05; Actions agreed Jan 06 Status � HGV
follow up actions to be agreed by sub committee meeting to be scheduled June.
Group also invited to review BDBC Parking proposals. Aim
- Start Jan 05; Agree design Apr 05 HCC Highways could, not
maintain original competition winning design plus too expensive to make. Much
time lost on alternative designs. . Latest proposals from BDBC
received 30th May 2006 by WA (copy to WTC) with request for
approval 16th June. Sub Committee June meeting will also review
and provide comment to BDBC/WTC on design and locations. |
New Library Local Heritage Display and IT Facilities |
Local Heritage Centre�
Accessible display and educative centre
for local artefacts IT/Internet Public access: �
Increase number of individual Learning and
Information access points |
Titcomb Deborah
Woodland Dr.
Alison Deveson Tony
Corbin <Cllr.
A Wall> John
Mariner (History Soc) Russell
Cleaver (HCC R&H) Hector
Goldsack Sarah
Gray (R&H Library Service) Janet
Palmer Phil
Cooper |
AIM - Start Dec 05 Finish Jan 07 (opening of Ctty
Centre). Agree aims; recruit volunteers; agree and cost solution; develop
lottery bid Status � Internal
library layout plans now received from HCC R&H and reviewed by Heritage
sub group at May meeting (poorly attended). Locations of display areas also
agreed in principle with R&H� �
agreement on content now needed. Looking for ways to stimulate interest
amongst local residents needed to progress project and evidence agreed need
in proposed Lottery Heritage Bid (to cover cost of display units and Heritage
Leaflet). AIM
� Increase the provision of publicly accessible Internet Terminals Status �
Confirmed that six PC�s to be included in new library design one of which
enables access to Hampshire Record Office facilities (Family History tracing
etc). |
EIGHTComms |
Communications Project: �
House Style for WA materials �
Web site inc open forum for feedback �
Internal/external and stakeholder comms
model |
Cooper John
Buckley (Steve
Hoffmann) <Cathy
Burt> Tony
Corbin Marion
Woods |
AIM - Start Jun 05; Launch website Oct 05. Launch
Magazine Spring 06 Status - Website ( launched
Oct as planned and being increasingly used by community and local businesses.
Many facilities including what it is hoped will become the definitive �events
calendar� (What�s On?) for the Town New Whitchurch Web Community
Magazine (quarterly) will potentially now launch by end June 06. Twice per
annum will include insert listing local retailers/accommodation, pubs and
restaurants in the Town. |