FROM: Tony Corbin � Town Project Officer HCC (for and on behalf of WA/TAPT)
31st March 2006
Dear Councillors,
You will see further changes (minor) to the report format this month. Perhaps the most important of these is to merge and align some of the projects where appropriate and to indicate where projects have been taken up by �affiliated or independent� community groups (like the Whitchurch Youth Project). I hope the new format makes for easier reading/assimilation.
Highlights this past month include:
Meantime we have Brockenhurst (Estate Agency) to thank for the idea of a new resident �Welcome to Whitchurch� pack. If supported by retailers, this will include an insert with shops, restaurants and services listed, the website home page, vouchers (5% off your first meal at the Blue Ginger/White Hart etc), could include some Council information and even a light bulb, fuse and cloth (a small item from each shop). All aimed at encouraging people to �shop locally�.
Finally, Stewart Parrington (for WA) is getting firm costs/understanding procedures for obtaining permission for Xmas Tree Brackets etc (a la Overton) for CIW 2006. It is hoped that the Council may be willing to offer a small contribution towards costs (a matched amount will come from the MTP/Healthcheck pot). Shop owners will then pay for the trees (which hopefully will come from and be recycled by local Scouts Group � perhaps Cllr Robbins can advise).
Tourism � the main progress here is permission from BDBC to reprint the Heritage leaflet locally. Currently the content is being reviewed by the Heritage Group. Again we are hopeful that Brockenhurst will be able to cover the costs of printing (in return for their logo joining those of BDBC, WTC and WA on the cover). Any changes will be advised to Cllr. Nethercott out of courtesy as she pioneered the original version. It is also envisaged that a version will be added to the Whitchurch web.
Communications Media � The planned first issue for the new Quarterly Whitchurch web community magazine is 15th May. WTC is invited to submit an article. It is hoped that print costs will be covered by revenue from local advertisers. An insert will be issued twice per year listing local shops, restaurants, services etc. This too it is hoped will generate income. For further information please contact or email John Buckley. Meantime any opportunity Members have to champion the new magazine will be appreciated.
Heritage � The next step is that I will meet on 13th April with HCC R&H/Library staff to better understand the space that will be available for the Heritage display at the new library/Community Hall (WTC representative very welcome). The Heritage group itself next meets on 13th May to discuss the outcome and way forward.
New Youth Project? � A suggestion from Keith Watts has been put to WA Trustees (including Cllr. Jackman) that there is an opportunity to introduce a new initiative focussed upon �Youth In the Community�. Members may wish to comment upon the merits (or otherwise) of the idea and perhaps how and where they may be able to offer help or guidance.
Those are the main developments, other changes since the last report are denoted as usual in italics in the formal report that follows.
Finally, please will members note that I plan to take leave from 2nd to 10th May.
Kind Regards
Tony Corbin
Initiative No. (Category) |
Project Charter |
Sub Group Members Leader in bold (= Co opted) <Cllr> |
Action Plan and Current Status |
One: Local
Economy and Environment: Tourism Business
and Town Centre Revitalisation |
Tourism: �
Encourage More Visitors to the Town �
Increase spend in the Town �
Stewart Parrington Phil Cooper Harriet Titcomb (Derek Verran) (Stephen Bryer) John Buckley <Irene Clark> Tony Corbin Keith Watts (BLWx) (John Mitchell � (Brockenhurst � Comm�l Agency) (Testbourne Bus Forum members) Local Retailers |
Target by end 2006 - Town
Guide, Heritage Leaflet and Circular Walks reprint/update all
cross-referenced to Whitchurch Web content. Brockenhurst is the potential
sponsor for a revamped Heritage Leaflet. Permission obtained from BDBC to
print locally (29/03). |
& Town Centre: �
Revitalisation of Town centre �
Improved appearance of Town Centre �
More Events �
Traders Association �
Skills Development �
Marketing/Business Development |
(By Mid 2006 - Bid
for HCC Country Towns Initiative (circa �40-50k) and B&DBC POPPI circa
�20k (Pride of Place Partnership Initiative) and possible SEEDA RTP matched
funds potentially available for built environment enhancement &
conservation related improvement projects. �Christmas in Whitchurch �
successfully delivered as kick of project. 22nd February meeting
with retailers mapped out activities, priorities and actions for the coming
12 months. Meetings TC/SP with Brockenhursts latest 29/03 to address empty
units issue/drabness of TC � proposals out for WTCR comment. |
TWO Community |
One Stop Shop: �
Tourist Information point |
(Cathy Burt) Tony Corbin |
Ongoing - Increase utilisation of Town Hall for business and community
use.� Relate is the latest
organisation to regularly use the Town Hall for it�s meetings. |
THREE Economy |
Commercial Business Support
& Development: �
Improve economic viability of
the town �
Support/funding for business
start ups �
Encourage collaborative
activity |
Stewart Parrington Tony Corbin |
Start Jan 05 �
ongoing� Establish BLWx 1 to 1 one-hour business advice clinics and local
Business Club. This project is now merged with 1 above. Clinics are being run bi-weekly and Testbourne Business Club is now
becoming well established |
FOUR Transport FOUR
(cont�d) |
Mgmt a)
Reduced HGV through traffic volumes b)
Distinctive Town Gateway
Entry Signs and associated BDBC funded traffic calming scheme |
Corbin (for
Derek Verran) (Reg
Kimpton) (Keith
Pauw HCC) <Cathy
Burt> John
Wall Greg
Harris Susan
Flawith <Cllr
B. Jackman> Harriet
Titcomb Tony
Corbin (Jamie
Daly B&DBC) |
Start Jan 05, Survey April 05; Report
Presentation Sep 05; Actions agreed Jan 06 HCC HGV report submitted finally Feb. Content
reviewed by WA/WTC� including preface
written by Tony C. Comments fed back to HCC Traffic Mgmt. Preface and report
now on WW website hard copy reports at town Hall. Request made via CB to meet
with Ardglen Businesses. Start
Jan 05; Agree design Apr 05 HCC Highways could, not maintain original
competition winning design plus too expensive to make. Much Time lost on
alternative designs. Latest proposals from BDBC
reviewed by WA/WTC 6th March. Some modifications suggested to BDBC
proposals but now close to agreement. Site visits requested waiting update
from WTC. |
FIVE Community |
Local Heritage Centre�
Accessible display and educative centre
for local artefacts |
Titcomb Deborah
Woodland Dr.
Alison Deveson Tony
Corbin <Cllr.
A Wall> John
Mariner (History Soc) Russell
Cleaver (HCC R&H) Hector
Goldsack Sarah
Gray (R&H Library Service) |
Start Dec 05 Finish Jan 07 (opening of Ctty
Centre). Agree aims; recruit volunteers; agree and cost solution; develop
lottery bid February
meeting agreed aims and objectives. Key is to understand from Library Service
space that will be available for displays. Meeting scheduled 13th
April with HCC R&H. Next Heritage Group meeting 13th May |
Increase number of individual Learning and
Information access points |
Palmer Phil
Cooper (Linda
Cowley) |
date TBD |
SIXCommunity |
Whitchurch Youth Project �
Establish diversionary activities and
amenities for young people |
B. Jackman> Janet
Palmer Susan
Flawith Harriet
Titcomb Liz
Dermody <P.
Turner> Keith
Watts |
Jun 05 � ongoing Cllr
Jackman led/inspired supported by WA (HT, SF & JP) Friday
and Tuesday activities now established (Parish Hall and Testbourne
respectively). Still appears to be some dispute between Reported
to WTC via Cllr. Jackman � |
SEVENTransport |
Burt) |
Closed � Jan 05 � as apparently working satisfactorily. |
EIGHTComms |
Communications Project: �
House Style for WA materials �
Web site inc open forum for feedback �
Internal/external and stakeholder comms
model |
Cooper John
Buckley (Steve
Hoffmann) <Cathy
Burt> Tony
Corbin Marion
Woods |
Start Jun 05; Launch website Oct 05. Launch
Magazine Spring 06 Website launched � Community Magazine (quarterly)
will potentially launch in Spring 06, but
introductory flyer - the �Christmas in Whitchurch (CIW) feature � issued 25th
Nov as a taster. JB
aiming to launch magazine 15th May. Approaches to
advertisers/sponsors during March/April. |
Flawith Chair;
Harriet Titcomb Co Chair; Jean
Watts (Sec) |
START FEB 05; LAUNCH OCT 05; Terms of Reference
to be agreed Feb 06. |