Whitchurch Town Association - Town Action Plan Projects

Status as at 6th July 2005


Changes since last report are shown in ITALICS


Initiative No. (Category)


WTA Sub Group leader in bold

(= Co opted)

<= WTC Cllr>

Current Status

1 Economy

Tourism Projects to:


         Encourage More Visitors to the Town

         Bring More revenue to the Town

Susan Flawith

Phil Cooper

Harriet Titcomb

<Gill Nethercott>

(Derek Verran)

(Stephen Bryer)

Funding shortfall � Town Guide and Circular Walks reprint/update. Requires local authority funding or external funding application when WTA is constituted.

Photography (Jake) now completed. Opportunity for leaflet rack in entranceway to Brockenhursts.

Sub group mtng 4th May agreed Town Guide layout and content headings. Next stage is to approach subject matter experts to write content. Sub Group to clarify plans with WTC (Cathy B).


2 Environment

Town Centre Project:

         Improve appearance of Town Centre

         Advise on and encourage building restoration

Harriet Titcomb

<Gill Nethercott>

Tony Corbin

Derek Verran

Keith Watts

Opportunity from HCC Env (Chris Williams) Country Towns Initiative � may allocate monies to suitably argued Whitchurch Town Centre initiatives (e.g. Alleyway improvements/planting etc.)

Joint Meeting 15th June (with Bus Dev). Actions include exploration of Retail specific skills provision/funding, other possible ideas to be reviewed at next (13th July) mtng.


3 Community

One Stop Shop:

         Town Hall utilisation for Community group usage

         Tourist Information point


(Cathy Burt)

Liz Dermody

Tony Corbin

19th Jan WTA meeting proposed Town Hall could be a meeting venue for proposed Community Support Officers and Wardens (e.g. with the public).

CB has reaffirmed that the Town Hall is available on request to local Community serving groups.

4 Economy

Town Business Support & Development:


         Improve economic viability of the town

         Support/funding for business start ups

         Encourage collaborative activity

Tony Corbin

Stewart Parrington

(Ed Beckmann � BLWx)

(John Mitchell � Enterprise First)

(Drewett Neate � Comm�l Agency)

(Testbourne Bus Forum members)


Town Hall now being used (Tues) for BLWx 1 to 1 one-hour business advice clinics. Newbury Building Soc has shown an interest in participating in Business led community activities.


Next Testbourne Bus Club meeting is on Wed 19th Aug (Longmeadow. SP to report on his informal meetings with local retailers to test ideas and will report at 13th July (see 2 above) joint mtng.



5 & 6 now Merged Transport

Traffic Mgmt Projects

a)       Reduced HGV through traffic volumes







b)       Town Gateway project and environmental calming scheme

Derek Verran

Tony Corbin

(Reg Kimpton)

Chris Setters

(Keith Pauw HCC)

(Cathy Burt)

(John Wall)




Greg Harris

Susan Flawith

<Gill Nethercott>

Chris Setters

< R Dykes>

<Cllr B. Jackman>

(John Wall)

Harriet Titcomb

Tony Corbin

(Jamie Daly B&DBC)


HGV survey successfully completed on Tues 26th April (7am-7pm). Request 05/07 to WTC (Cathy) for agreement for HCC to present survey results 22nd Aug at WTC DC meeting with WTA sub group members also present? Preparatory meeting also proposed by HCC (Keith Pauw for 3:30pm 17th Aug � all welcome.



B&DBC has been asked for an update on alternative lower cost Gateway designs. Dialogue between JD and GH to help ensure changes retain key elements of original winning design.


WTA invited by WTC and has provided input on B&DBC parking proposals for the Town.(It would also be helpful for WTA to understand from WTC overall Traffic Calming project status (inc parking plans etc)


7 Community

Local History �Display area

         Accessible display and Learning centre for local artefacts

TBC <Gill Nethercott>

Harriet Titcomb

Tony Corbin

<Cllr. A Wall>

History Soc TBC)



Longer term initiative. Planning permission for new Library and Community Hall granted (May 05)

8 Community

IT/Internet Public access:

         Individual Learning and Information Points


Janet Palmer

Phil Cooper

(Linda Cowley)

<Gill Nethercott>

Longer term initiative. Planning permission for new Library and Community Hall granted (May 05)

9 Community

Young People�s Facilities:

         Youth Suite Refurbishment

         Young people�s amenities

Acting Leader

Harriet Titcomb

Janet Palmer TBC

Susan Flawith TBC

<Alison Wall>

Liz Dermody

<P. Turner>

Derek Verran

Keith Watts

HT, SF & JP have all attended/supported meetings initiated by Cllr. Jackman related to the �Cool to Chill� initiative.


TC meantime has made all parties aware that the B&DBC provision for the Testbourne Youth Suite has not yet been applied. Following Fire Officer visit, Testbourne has received quotes for remedial work approx 10% of those suggested by HCC Building Regs.



Newbury Building Soc has shown a willingness to support youth initiatives.


10 Transport

Community Bus

(Cathy Burt)

Project Closed � Jan 05 � as apparently working satisfactorily.


11. Comms

Communications Project:

         House Style for WTA materials

         Web site inc open forum for feedback

         Internal/external and stakeholder comms model


Phil Cooper

John Buckley

(Steve Hoffmann)

(? Cathy Burt)

Tony Corbin

Agreed in principle (April) that the proposed Community magazine (quarterly) <the Whitchurch Web> would reference �Eye� in the masthead and incorporate �Eye� content. Editorial control will remain with WTC


Sponsorship) �Newbury Building Society not willing to sponsor but will advertise. Sub Group to meet to decide package it will put to potential list of sponsors.Final presentation to WTC when funding secured.


Constitution of WTA

Leader TBC

Keith Watts

<A. Wall>

Harriet Titcomb

Tony Corbin

(Ctty Hall Group members)

(J. Balcombe B&DBC Community Officer)

(HCC Legal)

<R Dykes>

Constitution (copies available) now covers Town Action Plan tasks as well as new Ctty Hall Mgmt. Still no sub group leader plus growing concerns re distinct shortage of potential officers/trustees.


23rd June mtng heard that the draft constitution had been reviewed by Charities Commission and was broadly acceptable to them.Provisional date for launch public meeting set for Saturday 15th Oct, venue Parish hall (10-12 Noon).


Next Meeting 28th July.